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Szanowny Klubowiczu,
Tym razem Twój Klub potrzebuje pomocy. Jak dobrze wiecie nie możemy działać od wielu tygodni, wczesniej również tylko przez chwilę mogliśmy operować. Jak dobrze wiecie mamy sporo stałych wydatków bez względu na to czy jesteśmy otwarci czy też nie…
Pomyśleliśmy sobie , że moglibyśmy się dobrowolnie opodatkować miesiecznie na ogromną kwotę 0,33c AUD dziennie czyli $10 miesiecznie…Część dyrektorów już wpłaciła wolne datki. Wśród darczyńców co miesiąc będziemy losować mały upominek. Co Wy na to?
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Dziękujemy za wsparcie


Dear Members,

It is time that we ask for your kind assistance.. As many of you are aware, all Registered Clubs in NSW have been required by law to be closed due to the current health regulations. As a result, we have been unable to trade or generate an income from our usual venue hires, or club organised events and we have already had to cancel multiple functions. While we have thankfully received minimal income from car park leasing, as well as some support from the NSW Government, we still have unavoidable outgoings that need to be continuously paid.

We are kindly asking our members to donate either a once-off or set up a monthly subscription of a value of their choosing. We are asking if our members would be willing to donate $10 a month until restrictions have eased and that we are able to steadily trade once more. $10/Month is only $0.33c a day, significantly cheaper than your daily latte at your local. These donations will greatly assist us in covering our running costs. You can donate by clicking the link or the button below.

Onto some different news.. To help the club diversify its income stream, we will soon be selling our Polish Beers and Spirits on DoorDash! More news on this is to come shortly.

Membership Renewals

$10.50 / Year – $0.50 covers the online merchant transaction costs. You may also email us at to request our banking details to pay via bank transfer.

We can now accept membership renewals online. Please click the link to be re-directed to our online payment processor.

  • Please adjust the quantity to pre-pay for several years of membership.
  • If paying for family members too, please include their first name, last name, email, address, and mobile number in the email when forwarding your payment receipt to Each member is required to have their own details filled out.
  • Please email your receipt to so your payment may be correctly allocated to your membership number.

Contact Method Updates

As we strive to provide a better service, we are asking our members to email us their contact details so we may update our systems. Previously, we have not collected anything other than our member’s names, addresses, and a general phone number.

We are asking our members to email us at with the following details. Please also include your First and Last name so we may correctly update your membership record.

  • E-Mail Address
  • Mobile Number
  • Home Phone
  • Residential address if you have recently moved